Cessation of Business or Use of Business Name

Information for Completing the Form

Note:  This process is for a business name registered with Corporate Affairs. It is not for dissolution of a partnership or a corporation. The information entered will be populated on the regulated form, which is bilingual in format, and will be used for official file purposes.
Corporate Affairs number
 This is the reference number assigned by Corporate Affairs on registration of the business name. It would be on your Certificate of Business Name. You can also search the Corporate Registry to find out the reference number.
Name and Style to be Registered
 This is the name registered with Corporate Affairs as set out on your certificate of business name. You can also search the Corporate Registry to find out the exact name.
Date of Registering the Business
 The date of registering the business name can be found on the certificate of business name registered with Corporate Affairs. Alternatively, you can also search the Corporate Registry to find out the registration date.
Date of Cessation
 The date of cessation of business activity or the date of cessation of business name can be the same date. The date cannot be a future date. Only one date is required however, you can indicate a date in both sections.
Name of corporation or person that has registered the business name
 Please ensure the name of the corporation or person is the same name as the registrant on the certificate of business name that was registered with Corporate Affairs. An exception to this would be when a corporation or person has legally changed their name, then that legal name should be set out.
Special instructions? What does this mean?
 The Special Instructions section can be used to inform Corporate Affairs of a fax number you want the filed certificate sent to or, if there is a mailing address you want correspondence sent to you can indicate it in this section.
Processing times for applications
 Your application will normally be processed within 10 business days. If any questions arise with respect to the application, Corporate Affairs will contact you. Once the application has been approved, a filed copy of the Certificate of Cessation of Business Name will be sent to you through the mail.