Registration fees are intended to cover a portion of the costs of administering the NB Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulation. Fees are non-refundable and must be submitted prior to proceeding with project EIA registration and review. To pay online, please refer to the fee schedule provided below. Alternatively, cheques may be made payable to the Minister of Finance for the Province of NB and submitted to the EIA Branch, NB Department of Environment & Local Government (ELG), 20 McGloin St., Marysville, NB E3A 5T8.
To pay online you will need to provide the project Registration Category/One-time Fee and the EIA Registration Service Request assigned to you by the EIA Portal. If you do not have this information or for further assistance, please contact the EIA Specialist working with you, or the EIA Branch main office at (506) 444-5382.
Registration Category: 1
Undertakings: Paragraphs a, b, c, d, f, g, j, k, m, m.1, and w of Schedule "A" of the Regulation
One-time Fee: $5,500
Registration Category: 2
Undertakings: Paragraphs e, h, i, n, o, and q of Schedule "A" of the Regulation
One-time Fee: $2,750
Registration Category: 3
Undertakings: Paragraphs l, p, r, s, t, u, and v of Schedule "A" of the Regulation
One-time Fee: $1,100